Kinder Reese Stasek Mastermind
St. Thomas, USVI
September 27 & 28, 2021
Join Jay Kinder, Michael Reese, Albie Stasek and several top producers in St. Thomas, USVI for 
the Kinder Reese Stasek mastermind
What you need to know before RSVPing...
  • You will fly into St Thomas where we will be having the mastermind. 
  • The price for the mastermind alone to include food is $497 (July 31st Prices Raise to $697).
  • Guest tickets for your potential recruits are $497 (July 31st Prices Raise to $697). 
  • This event is limited to 60 attendees - no exceptions. 
  • Requirements: 5 FLA's or 25 million in production OR have your sponsor VOUCH for you.
Travel Information:

Host Hotel - Ritz Carlton St Thomas
Call 1-800-241-3333 and reference the Kinder Reese Stasek Event to book your room.

Room Block Rate: $299/night 
Room block is SOLD OUT! Book directly on the Ritz Carlton website.

Cyril E. King International Airport 

The Cyril E. King International Airport is approximately 30 to 45 minutes away from the hotel.

From the airport, take Route 30 East towards Red Hook.
The resort is at the eastern tip of the island. Distance: 10 miles
Other Hotel Options:

Reserve Your Seat:
st thomas mastermind ticket
Due to COVID restrictions on the Island of St Thomas, we are not able to accept any more registrations. We are MAXED OUT at 100.
We encourage you to join the wait list for an opportunity to register if we receive any cancellations of tickets.
  • Access to the Meet & Greet Event September 26
  • Admission to Day 1 & 2 Mastermind Sessions
  • Lunch Provided Both Days
Claim Your Amazing Stuff Below:
Step 1: Contact
Step 2: Shipping Address
Step 3: Payment
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

ONE TIME OFFER ($37): You're not just buying Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id magna ipsum. Sed elementum a mi sit amet congue. Nunc lacinia viverra velit ac consectetur. Mauris consectetur semper nunc. Cras nec nisl ac lacus aliquam feugiat non non ligula. Ut venenatis, dui at ullamcorper hendrerit, eros ligula porta tortor, id porttitor neque dolor ac mi.

Copyright © 2021 Kinder Reese Stasek